Graphic Design
Being in Advertising and Public Relations is not always just about writing and understanding your audience, but applying that knowledge to your target audience through creative means.
Color composition
September 2023
At the basis of every design is color. Color is everywhere. In my visual communications class, I was able to learn and apply my knowledge of the various color palettes. Using my understanding of colors helped me convey several palettes based off one of the 12 main hues. The color of my choosing was green and I developed several tints, tones, and shades based off it. Following the creation of several palettes, I composed three artboards using one of the color palettes created, this being monochromatic. The artboards focused on the simplicity of raw and basic shapes, then building off those shapes to create a repeating pattern.

Nebraska Film Festival
May 2024
For my visual communication design class, I learned about the importance of logos and forming a visual identity. With this knowledge, I was able to create my own logo and establishing a visual identity for the Nebraska Film Festival. With time, I began to revise this project which allowed me to demonstrate my design skills and explore the possibilities of the logo, social media ads, and a ticket design. As seen in this project, I went with a beige, black, white, and blue theme. This provokes a calm and relaxing emotion I wanted to associate with the "having fun" environment of the festival.

September 2023
As apart of ADPR 221, an ADPR strategic writing class, I was asked to create print ads and social media campaigns for a weight loss and healthy meal plan brand. SlimWhims Products is an employee-owned company that specializes in a diet program with fresh, natural ingredients in every meal. The target audience of the campaigns are women from ages 24 to 34 with children. The goals of the campaigns are to show SlimWhims meals are delicious and can help with weight loss, despite the current brand image of the meals being bland. Below, I have a slideshow of various social media posts ranging from Instagram, Facebook to Twitter as platforms.
Delta Phi Lambda
Summer 2022 - Spring 2023; Spring 2024
Since Summer of 2022, I was elected as UNL Delta Phi Lambda's Graphic Chair. I had the opportunity to help run the Instagram page (@lincolndfl) as well as create internal/external graphics. My term ran from July 2022 until May 2023. This allowed me to create graphics as well as plan on our Instagram for upcoming posts. This position allowed me first-hand experience in graphic design, which I was not familiar with at the time. I have grown from this position and learned a lot about catering to a brand's style and my own skills as a designer. I recently was able to reinstate my role as the Graphics Chair for Spring of 2024, with a new goal to better localize and expand upon my sorority's brand.

For a big part of my sorority, recruitment is a reoccurring process each semester. As the graphics chair for two semesters, I had the opportunity to create the recruitment flyers, and arrange photoshoots. Each photoshoot was carefully planned out with the theme and design in mind for later content creation. Included below are photos and graphics made for Instagram, Instagram stories, and Facebook.
Most Recent Work